Popular Self Defense Products For Women

click image for more details Most self defense products are sold to women because they are the targets of 90% of all assaults. So it is not surprising that one of our most frequently asked questions is "what are the most popular self defense products for women?" Here the top three most popular self defense products for women. The first is the...

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Domestic Violence Tools-One Way To Defend Yourself

click for more info Here's a story that was in the "Diamondback" the University of Maryland student newspaper recently that points out that with all the crime in the area it's hard for officers to be prepared for any and all situations and that one that is often forgotten is domestic violence. It points out that domestic violence is one of the...

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Woman Assaulted In Church Parking Lot-How To Prevent It

click for more info This is a story out of Olympia, Washington involving a woman who was cleaning a church when she went out into the parking lot to empty some trash. She was assaulted by an unknown male. You can read the rest of the story HERE. This is an excellent example of the fact that assaults can occur anywhere, anytime;...

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Police Looking For Sexual Assault Supect

click image for more info Police are still looking for a suspect who forced a women to drive to a secluded parking lot where he raped her. You can read the rest of the story HERE. "The victim told police she was grabbed by a man in a downtown alley off North Main Street and was forced to drive in her car...

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Why Campus Rape Is So Under Reported

This is a story out of Duluth, Minnesota concerning sexual assault on college campuses and the under reporting of those assaults by victims. On paper from 2009 to 2011 six sexual assaults were reported. If you ask a senior class "how many of you know somebody who's been sexually assaulted?" every hand goes up. So why the difference? You can read the...

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Domestic Violence Common Problem-How To Defend Yourself

click for more details Here's an article that claims that one out of three women will be victims of domestic violence in her lifetime. That is higher than the one out of four that we normally see. Domestic violence is getting much more attention now than it used to even 5 years ago because it is such a prevalent crime. You can...

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Clery Act Exposes College Crime

Here is a story about a law that was passed requiring universities to report crime on campus for the latest three years. This law helps shed light on a here-to-fore hidden subject-campus crime. You can get the rest of the details HERE. "The law, also called the Clery Act, is named after a 19-year-old Lehigh University freshman who was raped and killed...

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