College Woman Assaulted In Pre-Dawn Walk-How To Defend Against Assault

Here is another story about a sexual assault on a college campus-this time in Minneapolis at St. Catherine University campus. You can read the rest of the story HERE. The story goes on "The man approached the woman and asked for money. Seconds later, he forced her to the woods nearby and sexually assaulted her. She then fled, as did the suspect."...

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Sexual Assaults On Campus Nationwide Problem-How To Avoid Being A Victim

click for more details This is the story out of Emory University, which is small private school. They were visibly shaken as a community recently when several sexual assaults were reported. You can read the whole story HERE. Story goes on to say "Alcohol, involved in 90 percent of all rapes on college campuses, is also a factor. In the fall, students...

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Recipe For A Campus Sexual Assault-How To Prevent One!

click image for more details Assaults of young women on college campuses happens with great regularity. It has been estimated that one in four college-age women will experience some kind of sexual assault in their four years on campus. That may seem like a high number to you but when we give you the recipe for a campus sexual assault, you will...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Woman's Self-Defense Safety Kits

We offer a wide variety of safety kits to include one for your home, one geared for apartment living, one for your daughter while she is at school, one for your car and then the Woman's Safety Kit. Since most of our customers are women this one is the most popular. It has everything that you need to keep safe and secure...

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Tornado Self Defense System-Special Personal Security Product

One of the best self-defense items on the market today is a self-defense system called the "Tornado." It is one of only a handful of products that provides self-defense in several ways, all-in-one product. That makes it unique. Like all self-defense items, this self-defense system is only meant to give you time to escape a threatening situation. The spray will incapacitate an...

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Office Safety Kits-One Way To Improve Your Office Security

The SafeFamily Life Ultimate Office Security kit is specifically put together to make your office a safe working environment. It includes all product manuals and six special safety reports on safety in an office environment including theft protection and what you need to know about discrimination and harassment. It includes an instructional DVD that demonstrates and trains you how to use each...

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Pepper Spray-The Three Common Types of Delivery

Most people don't give pepper spray much consideration. All they know is that it is one of the most popular and effective nonlethal self-defense tools for both civilians and law enforcement. Did you know that every letter carrier in the country carries a pepper spray as his first line of defense against dog attacks? And every law enforcement officer in the country...

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