Prom Safety and Security

We are entering Prom season, the time of the year that most high school seniors dream of. It is indeed a very exciting time for teens, but typically a very stressful time for parents. A senior prom should be a memorable and special time, but as parents it is our responsibility to ensure our children are safe. I think back to my...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Dealing with Aggressive Dogs

I would like to start by saying that I'm a huge animal lover. Specifically dogs, I own two a Golden Retriever and a Yellow Lab both are very loving and loyal animals and both are treated like family! I've had my Golden for over five years and the lab is a year old. They are great with people and they love my...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

You Are What You Think!

Nearly four years ago today my life began to spiral out of control. I was caught totally off guard and quickly hit rock bottom. For as long as I can remember I've been a worrier (some things more than others) but nevertheless I worried incessantly about everything. With that said I was happy most of the time, my self esteem was generally...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

The Erosion Of America? Stand Tall And Fight For The Values Of Our Founding Fathers

We are in the midst of a terrible recession. Thousands are Americans are losing their jobs, homes, savings and self esteem. Putting politics to the side for this discussion; I ask you how did this happen in the United States of America? I don't care what party affiliation you represent, the question is still the same, but the answers I keep hearing...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Instructional Fighting Videos For Self Defense

How much thought have you given to your safety lately? How about the security of your loved ones? Most of us take things such as this for granted, until got forbid, it happens to you, someone you know, or very close to home. When I say "it happens" I am referring to crime. Could be a robbery, a home invasion, an assault,...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Tough Economic Times Bring Crime Increase

How many people out there feel they are immune to crime? Well, I'm here to tell you YOUR NOT. Today an incident reconfirmed that for myself and everyone at Guardian Self Defense. Our office areas are in a large building and we share space with a few other companies. Most days tend to bring a good amount of traffic in and out....

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Street Fight Training by Instructional DVD

Have you ever been in a serious confrontational situation? One where you feared for your safety? Like many of you I have and its a feeling that is hard to describe. Imagine the following situation; your wife and kids want you to take them to local mall to do some shopping. Your wife and daughters head off to shop and you decide...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments