Stun Devices-All You Ever Wanted To Know

Batteries were invented in the late 1800s. Shortly after that a man invented what he called the 'electric prod pole' that was a battery-operated device used to herd his cattle. The product was minimally successful but the military heard about it and saw huge potential as a weapon. Thus the birth of the stun gun. They have come along way since then....

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Assaults Down, Robberies Up

This is a story about a territory in Australia that's reporting that the number of assaults were down the first quarter of this year compared to last year but that the number of robberies was up by almost 20%. Vehicle thefts were up as well. You can read the whole story HERE. One of the best defenses against an assault or even...

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Sexual Assaults On Campus-What To Do To Defend Yourself

Here's a newspaper article about a police officer named Cynthia Flores who is speaking to college freshmen about resources available to them to keep them safe on campus. She pointed out that "Sexual assaults are a particular problem for college women. Flores said that one in four women will be sexually assaulted during their college years and that in about 90 percent...

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Pepper Spray Hotness Ratings-What You Need To Know

Here is some useful information on how to determine the relative hotness of the pepper spray. For years the general hotness rating was called the Scoville heat unit or SHU. This is common measure of hotness of anything. A habanero pepper, for example, has a SHU of 500,000. Sounds like a lot doesn't it? That is one of the hottest peppers going....

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Campus On Alert After Dorm Assault

This is a story about how a young co-ed was assaulted in her own door room at the University of New Hampshire campus. This is the same campus that vice president Biden touted as such a safe campus. An astonishingly high number of co-eds will be assaulted on college campuses this year and every year-just the nature of the beast. You can...

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Tasers-Why You Should Have One?

Here's a story out of a Stoneham, MA newspaper where the police chief talks about why they need. tasers for their police force. He points out that most law enforcement agencies now have them. You can read the whole story here HERE. In part the police chief said "In 2011, several difficult situations cropped up that put officers and suspects at risk...

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Assault And Robbery Of Cyclist-How to Prevent It

This is a story about a how a 17-year-old was riding his bicycle when two men jumped out of a car and started assaulting him and then robbed him. This happened in Pittsfield, Maine. The men who did the assault are awaiting arraignment. The 17-year-old was stabbed in the leg and is recovering. You can read the whole story HERE. We have...

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