Personal Safety and Security Tips

Most of us would do whatever is necessary to avoid danger; sometimes in spite of our best efforts we run across situations where we are forced to confront dangerous situations. These situations involve someone attempting to rob, assault, or rape you. In a perfect world and perfect situation, we would all be prepared and ready for these types of crimes. We would...

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Safety On and Off Campus

Most colleges will begin the Fall semester in mid August and many naive and unassuming students will fall victim to crimes such as burglary, sexual assault and date rape. The result will likely change the victims life forever. Fortunately there are things you can do and actions you can take to help prevent becoming the next statistic. At Guardian Self Defense, our...

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Carjacking Prevention and Self Defense

I'm sure you've heard of carjacking; some of you may know victims or have been one yourself. Carjacking is has become one of the fastest growing and most prevalent crimes in the world. Carjacking is robbery of a car or vehicle. It happens very quickly and the sole purpose of the crime is to steal your vehicle. Though it could happen to...

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Dorm or Apartment Safety

Are you a college student? Maybe you are the parent of a college age youth or maybe you are a high school senior preparing for the transition to college life. While most major colleges spend massive amounts of money and resources to keep students staff and visitors safe; don't allow yourself to be lured into a false sense of security. Most colleges...

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The Erosion Of America? Stand Tall And Fight For The Values Of Our Founding Fathers

We are in the midst of a terrible recession. Thousands are Americans are losing their jobs, homes, savings and self esteem. Putting politics to the side for this discussion; I ask you how did this happen in the United States of America? I don't care what party affiliation you represent, the question is still the same, but the answers I keep hearing...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Date Rape Drugs

What are date rape drugs? GHB, Rohypnol and Ketamine have become known as "date rape drugs" or "predatory drugs" because they are used to incapacitate someone for the purposes of committing a crime, often sexual assault. These drugs are odorless and colorless and can easily be slipped into someone's drink. They can cause dizziness, disorientation, loss of inhibition and a loss of...

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Cellphone - Critical for Highway Safety

Talking on your cellphone while you drive can certainly lead to distraction and accidents — but having a cellphone in your car can be very useful in an emergency situation. In almost any state, you may dial 911 for emergencies, but due to the high volume of calls that 911 operators receive, in some cases it might be better to use the...

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