Helping Make Campuses Safer

click for more info Here is an editorial from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania about making college campuses safer. You can read the whole story HERE. "Sexual assault and harassment on college campuses have finally gotten the attention of federal authorities charged with monitoring compliance with Title IX's sex-discrimination prohibition. The U.S. Department of Education has issued guidelines for how schools must respond to sexual...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Domestic Violence Shelters Overflow In Heatwave

click for more info Here is a story about how domestic violence shelters pretty much all over the country are at capacity during the recent heat wave. At first that doesn't seem like it should be a contributing factor. But when people get stressed out with high humidity and high temperatures, tempers flare and violence escalates. You can read the whole story...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Ex-Air Force Sex-Assault Watchdog Due in Court for Groping Case

click for more info The former head of the U.S. Air Force’s office of sexual-assault prevention is headed to court after being accused of groping a woman in a parking lot near the Pentagon, as lawmakers review how the military addresses allegations of sexual violence in its ranks. You can read the whole story HERE. Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Krusinski, 41, is scheduled...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Military Women: Sexual Assault And Harassment Remain

click for more info As the military tries again to deal with an epidemic of sexual assaults, these three service members have witnessed the problem firsthand. They know what happens when those who are victimized try to report assaults. They have seen commanders look away or worse. You can read the whole story HERE. "The Senate is drafting its annual defense bill...

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Back To College Safety Tips

click for more info August is the month that literally millions of high school seniors who have graduated and millions of others who are returning to school are off to college. For many it will be the first time that they are on their own and have a sense of independence. It is an exciting time to be sure. But the peaceful...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

College of Charleston Takes Sexual Assault Allegations Seriously

This is a story about how the College of Charleston is treating sexual assault allegations. You can read the whole story HERE. "The appearance that a college is tolerating sexual misconduct isn't confined to CofC or the Citadel, which has experienced its own troubles. College campuses nationwide have apparently accepted sexual assault, looked away in spite of horrific evidence, and blamed victims....

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Are You Safe In A Parking Lot?

Here's a story about two men who were assaulted in a parking lot by two males. They incurred minor injuries and police are still looking for the suspects. You can read the whole story HERE. You may think that parking lots are relatively safe. WRONG! Parking lots are one of the top two or three places where assaults happen. Women are usually...

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