Emerson College Ignored Complaint of Sexual Assault

Outrage is growing on the Boston campus of Emerson College. This comes after a complaint to the U.S. Department of Education over the college’s handling of a sexual assault report. Students at Emerson are furious about how the school allegedly handles allegations of rape on campus, but now the school says they’re going to do better and make changes. Emerson College says...

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Dog Attack Makes Walk In The Park A Scary Situation

A walk in the park with her dog turned into a nightmare for Dunedin woman Sonia McGregor after her dog Ali was attacked by another dog. Soon after Ali had been let off his leash to run around Kettle Park, a dog, which looked like a pit bull, ran from the other side of the field and started biting Ali's neck, she...

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Assault More Likely For Combat Women

Deployed women who underwent “combat-like” experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan are much more likely to report sexual harassment and sexual assault compared with other deployed women, according to a new study. Published in the August edition of Women’s Health Issues journal, the study used data from more than 13,000 military women who have been tracked in the Millennium Cohort Study, which began...

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Take Campus Safety Into Account When Applying To College

High school seniors will begin applying to colleges soon. And, of course, academic reputation, sports programs and campus life are taken into consideration when teens and their families decide where to apply. Yet parents and high school students should also be aware of one aspect of the college experience not often talked about: campus safety. Some universities may not disclose their crime...

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Bears Are Getting Ready For Hibernation-With Your Food

With the recent bear attacks around British Columbia come warnings that at this time of year the animals are trying to fatten up for their dormant winter months. In Whistler on Sunday, a black bear had to be destroyed after it got into a home and knocked down a resident. In another incident, a grizzly bear badly mauled a hunter in the...

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College Sexual Assaults Often Go Unreported-This Idea Could Change That

Multiple studies have shown sexual violence to be an under-reported crime. It's estimated that between one-quarter and one-fifth of college women experience sexual assault, but fewer than half of victims ever report it to authorities, according to the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. According to one 2000 Bureau of Justice Statistics/Department of Justice study, fewer than 5 percent of completed and...

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'Home Invasion Bill' Inspired By June Attack Passes Assembly

In response to a brutal home invasion caught by a hidden camera earlier this summer, state lawmakers are fast-tracking a bill that would create stiffer penalties for those caught committing similar crimes. Assembly members Monday unanimously passed the "Home Invasion Bill," a proposal that would raise the crime of home invasion to a first-degree offense and require those convicted to face a...

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