Hidden Cameras Bust Plumbers

This is a story by Jeff Rosen of NBC news for the Today show. He installed hidden cameras in a basement and had plumbers come in and give estimates on repairing a water heater. It was a set up all the way; there was absolutely nothing wrong with the water heater but they wanted to see how honest the plumbers were. Well,...

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Burglaries Up-What You Can Do To Prevent One

click image for more details This is a story from KEPR TV. “The KEPR Crime Tracker is focusing on home burglaries. It's one of the crimes you're more likely to be a victim of. We found that year to year -- burglaries are going up in Franklin County.” “The people breaking in aren't just petty thieves -- they could be dangerous. Benton...

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Hidden Spy Camera-LA Assistant Fire Chief Caught Drinking On Job

click for more info Here's a story out of Los Angeles where investigative reporter David Goldstein caught an assistant Fire Chief or Los Angeles drinking on the job. Admittedly he was having lunch but a hidden camera caught the act. You can read the whole story HERE. Our hidden spy cameras are state-of-the-art and represent the latest in technology. They all use...

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Burglars Caught On Security Camera

This is a story out of St. Charles Missouri where a burglar broke into a commercial store by breaking a glass window and stole $1500 in cash. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to probation, repaying what he stole and 60 days in jail. You can read the whole story HERE. Our 4 Channel Wireless security surveillance system has motion detection capability...

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Every Parent’s Worst Nightmare-Nanny Cam Catches Child Abuse

click image for more details This is a YouTube video that shows a nanny beating a baby. This is a little bit tough to take, so beware and control your anger about this. You can watch the video HERE. If you suspect child abuse from your nanny or babysitter there are some things you can do. The best is to get your...

On by Bryan Buckner 0 Comments

Burglars Chased Away By Security Cameras

click for more info This is a story about two burglars who broke into a house despite warning signs outside the house that it had a security system. The alarm went off which scared the burglars away but not before they were caught on a security camera. You can read the rest of the story HERE. “They broke into the home through...

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Nanny Cam Catches Child Abuse

click for more info There was a situation recently when two young parents had their first child. They were filled with anxiety about leaving it alone, so they left it with the babysitter that was referred to them by a neighbor. Pretty typical. The first few times that the parents hired this babysitter everything seemed to be okay but then they started...

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